2022 Susan Aberg, The Dream Machine
2019 Kimberley Lovato, San Francisco Chronicle/SFGate
2018 Vicki Todd, Voices , Balboa Press
2016 Michael Whiting, SF Chronicle/SFGate; Photography by Michael Short http://www.sfgate.com/art/article/Commercial-pilot-lands-2nd-career-in-fine-arts-10645063.php#photo-11819144
2016 Posit Journal, "Woman in Kimono", Frontispiece: "White Lies" https://positjournal.com/2016/12/16/benjamin-hollander/
2016 Robert Charlton, "Gathered Fragments"
"The combination of representation and abstraction (with historical references and current political themes) is extremely evocative. The emotion in the painting is palpable."
2016 ESCOM Art Journal, "New Art Exhibit"
2015 Hawkhaven Press, Cover Art, "A River Flowing Beside," by David Miller
2012 Clockroot Press, Cover Art, “In the House Un-American,” by Benjamin Hollander
2007 Kater Murr Press, Cover Art, “Robert Lax”
2006 Harbor Mountain Press, Cover Art, “In the Shop of Nothing”
2006 Harbor Mountain Press, Cover Art, “aerolith”
1999 Hawkhaven Press, Book Illustration, “Spiritual Letters”
1985 Emily Morrison, Rochester Magazine,"In Pursuit of Blue Skies and White Canvas"